


My name is Alexandra Maignan. I’m a French illustrator based in Westzaan, the Netherlands.

After graduating with a Fine Arts diploma in high school, I studied Arts at the École supérieure des Arts décoratifs in Strasbourg, France and joined the book binding workshop.

I completed my studies at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, in Amsterdam, and decided to establish my studio in the Netherlands.

Since 2009, I have been developing artist’s books and self-published projects in collaboration with artists and designers.

In 2012, I founded Atelier KUB and organized creative workshops and interactive tours for children (young and old) in contemporary art galleries and museums in Amsterdam.

In 2019, I dived into comics and - since then - my practice is focused on illustrated and narrative forms.

I have lots of fun sketching those around me, adapting comical conversations and often absurd situations that punctuate my daily (trilingual) family life.

If you'd like to commission work, enquire about projects or ask any questions, feel free to contact me at: the.real.alexandra.maignan@gmail.com




All images in this website © Alexandra Maignan 2023